How can payment be made?
Domains may be purchased directly through our website. Simply type in the name of the domain you wish to purchase into your web browser (e.g. and select the “Buy Now” button.
Yes, once purchased the domain will be moved into your name and you will have full control of and exclusive registration rights to the domain. After you've purchased the domain, you will have the exclusive rights to do anything you want with it, including transferring the domain to another registrar.
Does anything come with the domain?
No. No logos, graphics, text or anything else currently associated with the domain is included. You are
buying the domain name only. No hosting, e-mail, or any other service will be provided by HugeDomains. The buyer will be required to seek hosting, e-mail, design, and other related services elsewhere; however, we would be happy to refer our buyers to our preferred vendors and service providers.
For how long should I register my domains?
You should keep your registration good for at least one year. Domains have annual renewal fees and we advise you to renew your domain for multiple years at a time. Annual renewal fees vary depending upon the registrar, and typical registration fees run between $8 and $30 annually.
Whois information is not updated immediately. It typically takes several hours for Whois data to update, and different registrars are faster than others. Usually your Whois information will be fully updated within two days.
Whois Privacy Protection
If you would like to put privacy protection on your domain you can do so after the domain has been pushed into your account. If the domain you purchased is at NameBright, there is an option to enable privacy protection for free once you log into your account to manage your domain name. If your domain is at another registrar such as GoDaddy or eNom you will have to pay for privacy protection to be added to your domain.
When is a sale considered final?
All sales are subject to the final approval of HugeDomains and we reserve the right to deny fulfillment of any order at any time, and for any reason. In the event that HugeDomains decides to stop fulfillment of an order and payment has already been rendered by the buyer, we will issue a complete refund immediately. Only once the domain name has been transferred into the buyer's name and the buyer has received possession of the domain will a sale be considered final.